The United States was created as a grand experiment in a new way of governing. The goal was simple: allow for the population to have a say in the dealings of their government, with liberties never before offered to a Western population. Representation was apportioned equally; no state or locale was more powerful than another. Officials were to be selected by the citizens of which they were meant to govern. This, in an oversimplified nutshell, was the goal.
The status quo of the US government resembles the aforementioned system, about as well as a chipmunk in a tiny astronaut suit resembles Buzz Aldrin.
President Eisenhower left us with the following warning in 1961:
In the councils of government, WE MUST GUARD against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an ALERT AND KNOWLEDGEABLE CITIZENRY can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. (my emphasis)
Lest anyone forget, before Ike became President Eisenhower, he was a five-star general of the US Army and the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe during WWII. It takes every fiber of my being to not go on a profanity-laced tirade against the electorate of the past 60 years. To say the least, we did not listen.
I do not blame the elected leaders of the past 60 years. Their consolidation of power and their complete corruption of the historical, political and economic narrative, was to be expected. We did not guard against it, as Ike warned. In fact, we willingly went along with whatever those who held office suggested. This was done out of a deference to power and a lack of interest in educating ourselves on the issues at hand. It is ironic, to say the least, that in a society and economy driven entirely by consumption (goods, entertainment, sin, etc), the only thing that is not a coveted consumable is untainted knowledge.
If there is one thing the American electorate does not lack however, it is opinions. Are these opinions beget from knowledge? Absolutely not. They are little more than regurgitated mouth noises, from manipulative talking heads. Whether one looks at the Left or Right side of the political spectrum, the result is the same: talking points. There is a complete and utter lack of nuance to the political debate in this country. Instead, we have binary choices shoved down our throats by the manipulative elites, who inhabit every facet of the federal government (this occurs in state and local governments as well, however that is a different hill). My fellow Americans: THIS is on ALL of us.
If you find yourself shaking in frustration at what you are reading or are yelling at your screen about how ridiculous my words sound, you have likely been a member of the macro political herd. Shake it off my friends. I encourage each of you to take a few weeks and throw yourself back into the history of the past 60+ years. Look over the historical narrative we have been given, with a fine tooth comb. I feel the need to remind everyone, bad actors within the CIA created the term “conspiracy theory” in 1967, as a means to discredit anyone who questioned the inexplicably-asinine narrative we were told to believe regarding the assassination of JFK. Questioning narrative is a healthy exercise; to believe anything simply because you are assured it is the truth, is nothing short of the abdication of personal responsibility.
Our country presently finds itself in a time of immense turmoil. Massive protests have swept across nearly every major city of this country since May. The protests have come from the Left, Right and middle. Riots and looting have broken out in many urban cities, nearly exclusively in the cities which have been governed, for decades, by the Democratic Party. This is an incontrovertible fact, please save your emotional response, whether it is pro or con, as I am not finished.
The federal debt has exploded and fiat currency may well be reaching its logical end. Banks have become “too big to fail,” yet again. Many corporations have apparently grown to be afforded the same luxury (see the current iteration of bailouts). Economic inequality has grown to point that the bottom 95% own nothing in comparison to the top 5%, with the top .1% dwarfing the fortunate 4.9%. The security state has grown to a largesse of incomparable influence and power. Lobbyists run wild inside the Beltway, pushing initiatives upon Congress which only seek to pad the ability for their benefactors to accumulate power and treasure. Science which begets policy has been excluded from the scientific method, let alone being subjected to rational debate; such “science” has become little more than a bastardized-religious dogma. History is being rewritten, with the goal of discrediting the founding principles of this great country; regardless of the fact that one must be entirely devoid of historical knowledge and critical thinking ability, in order to believe the founding documents cannot be applied to everyone, regardless of defining personal characteristics. All of these statements should come as no surprise to anyone, yet they likely will shock and anger most.
We have been divided along racial lines, not by ourselves, but by the elites, exactly as they wished. Racism still exists on the individual level, to be sure; yet “classism” dwarfs any threat racism may pose at the macro level and this classism faced by the bottom 95% is a UNITING factor which has been largely ignored. The reason classism is not discussed at the national level or in the mainstream, is not because it does not exist. It is not discussed because the narrative creators do not WANT it to be discussed. The mainstream media, after all, has been manipulating the population for decades (long before Trump drew attention to this simple fact). As 90%+ of the MSM has consolidated under the ownership of six massive corporations, the “news” has become little more than corporate propaganda (here’s looking at you Amazon) and the talking points of the political establishment. Rather than talking about the real issues that face our society, we have sat back and become the embodiment of Mike Judge’s Idiocracy.
It has taken a tremendous amount of soul searching and ego dissolution, on my part, to understand why we have ZERO leaders in Washington, DC. The answer, quite simply, is we do NOT want leaders. We want comfort. Leaders, inherently, do not offer comfort. Leaders challenge followers to be the best they can be, regardless of their preconceived shortcomings. Leaders do not allow their followers to subject themselves to victimization; leaders show followers how to succeed versus telling them why they will fail. We have elected comforters and hand holders, who are little more than babysitters, paid for by the elites, to watch over and keep us in line. Heaven forbid a leader comes to power that challenges us to think for ourselves. One who pushes us to make fundamental revisions to the federal government, which strip away the power and influence of the ruling class. Such a candidate would be thoroughly demonized and viciously attacked by the mainstream media and ruling class. This is a simple concept to understand, yet many refuse to acknowledge that which is screaming in their face.
There is not a single member of either branch of Congress who has stood up and successfully fought the Military Industrial Complex and/or the economic elites. A few have tried, all have failed. Ultimately, it boils down to yet another simple fact: we need more outsiders who understand the concepts of leadership and history. One, two or even a dozen members of Congress cannot stand up to the Beltway blob alone. We need a movement.
My fellow Americans, a terrible cancer has metastasized within the federal government. The clock is ticking and the death of this great nation is incontrovertibly imminent. It can most assuredly be saved, but it will take leaders with spines hardened by adamantium and a willingness of the electorate to make sacrifices. It will take leaders who will stand up to what political scientists have, for decades, called the shadow government. You may have heard it referred to as the “Deep State,” which I can assure you, based on my personal library of political science textbooks dedicated explicitly to the subject, was a term used long before Trump came along.
The Deep State is simply the amalgamation of the entrenched powers within the federal government, which exist outside the purview of elected officials; these individuals and their ideas have outlasted every elected leader that attempts to initiate changes which would strip away their power and influence. The only way to become a career politician in the US, is quite simply, to allow oneself to become beholden to the Deep State. I implore you to keep this in mind, as it holds true on both the Left and the Right. Cross reference the voting records (you will get whiplash) and their personal net worth (hint: they do not become poor) of the members of Congress who have served unencumbered for multiple decades. These individuals and ideas are precisely what has brought this country to the precipice of collapse. Term limits have been pushed, on occasion, but these individuals will never take up the issue, for glaringly obvious reasons, none of which is a sense of duty to the American people.
President Eisenhower warned us all. We did not heed his warning. We sat idly by and allowed the very individuals and ideas which Ike explicitly outlined, to take the reigns of power. We cast our votes each cycle for one of two candidates, both chosen in advance by the elites within each party. Candidly speaking, the presidential elections in the US are little more than a Hobbesian choice.
I will end this piece with a simple question, which I hope you will take the time to develop a nuanced response, rooted in critical thinking, logic-based philosophy and intense personal research:
When you have reached the end of your life and you are looking your loved ones in their eyes, will you be able to tell them that you did everything in your power to ensure that they were left with a future worth living? If your answer simply hinges on how much money you accumulated and left to them, may the universe have mercy on your soul.
Nice work RA, pretty much sums it up
Kudos to your parents for raising such an intelligent young man.